Soul Matters groups offer UUCM members and friends adult spiritual development and the opportunity to connect with each other and with our deepest selves. We gather in small groups of 6 to 10 people with a facilitator. Each group meets for 90 minutes every other week for a total of 6 sessions.
Our monthly worship themes are studied deeply through readings, inspirational quotes, questions and practices. Participants receive a resource packet each month with background information, questions for discussion and contemplation, spiritual exercises, wise words and other suggested resources.
In each meeting, we share what it was like to “live with” the exercises and the questions as we share where the topic took us, and hear the experience of others. This sharing is at the heart of the Soul Matters program and our experience is further deepened by the group’s sharing.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive lifespan sexuality education program that helps participants explore sexuality through their values and experiences. UUCM has offered OWL for the K-12 RE programs for many years and is excited to now offer OWL for adults, starting with adults ages 50 and up. OWL for adults strives to enhance communication skills as participants increase their understanding of healthy relationships, sexual and gender diversity, and sexuality throughout the lifecycle. It's the sexuality education opportunity many people didn't have growing up.