UUCM has two major governing bodies, our Board of Trustees and our Church Council. They work in partnership to shape the future of our congregation. The Council meets on the first Thursday of each month from 6–8 p.m. and the Board of Trustees meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6:15–8:15 p.m. Both meetings are open to any member or friend who would like to attend.
Minutes for both monthly meetings are posted outside the office at UUCM and are available upon request by contacting the office.
Per our UUCM Bylaws, the Board President and Vice President are elected for one year terms, Board Trustees are elected for three year terms. Three Nominating Committee members are elected for one year terms to help select Board Members and officers.
President: Shelley Buss
Vice President: Adam Elg
Treasurer: Stacy Doepner-Hove
Board: Fred Hulting, Emily Rosengren, Janna Sundby, Bill Rodgers, Laurie Moser
Adult Education Ministry: OPEN - contact revlisa@uucmtka.org with questions about this ministry.
Children & Youth Education: Malia Brandt
Congregational Life Ministry: Mary Cotton
Facilities Ministry: Bob Dachelet
Finance Ministry: OPEN (please contact office@uucmtka.org with questions about this ministry)
Membership Ministry: Virginia Carter
Music Ministry: Paul Winchester
Social Justice Ministry: Mike Elliott
Worship Arts Ministry: Melinda Bennett & Eric Johnson
Each year, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Minnetonka holds an annual meeting as outlined in our UUCM Bylaws. The meeting is typically held both in-person at the church, and online via Zoom. All members are encouraged to participate, as a quorum is needed to conduct business. Friends of UUCM are also welcome to attend.
During our annual meeting we typically discuss our operating budget, hold elections for our UUCM Board and Nominating Committee and debate potential resolutions or public statements. Minutes and recordings from previous annual meetings are available. Please contact the office to request them.