RE programming runs from September–May but children are always welcome in worship anytime of year. Everyone begins together in the sanctuary Sunday mornings. When RE is in session, children enjoy the beginning of worship, first hymn and Story for All Ages alongside their families. Then, the congregation will sing the children and RE teachers along to their classrooms downstairs for the remainder of the service. For those remaining in worship, there's a quiet room available as well as a fidget shelf and busy bags. During the summer months, there's also an activity table in the sanctuary.
Our nursery is open year-round to anyone five years old and younger. If not registered in RE, we ask that parents sign in before dropping children off. Nursery is open from 9:45–11:15, as well as during New Member meetings. Our nursery is staffed by two professionals every Sunday, who offer fun activities in a caring environment each and every Sunday.
Our K-5 classes will typically use the Soul Matters curriculum, which mirrors the monthly theme we talk about in worship. Classes explore UU beliefs through a variety of games, activities and books.
Youth in grades 6-8 will begin their spiritual journey with Crossing Paths, an interfaith engagement which studies the most popular world religions, as well as visits 7-9 different places of worship throughout the RE year. Exploring how others view religion differently prepares them for the next step in their journey.
Coming of Age supports youth in grades 9-10 as they explore, develop and articulate their personal values and faith identity. Coming of Age is complete with a fall retreat and each youth is paired with a mentor from our congregation for the entire year as they begin to truly live into the UU principles.
Every other year, UUCM also teaches OWL (Our Whole Lives), which is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curriculum for use in both secular settings and faith communities.
Every UU service begins by lighting a chalice. This class helps children learn the history of this ritual, as well as take a deep look at our UU principles. Families and children are invited to stay after worship services during the month of October for five brief classes, which will prepare them to become a Chalice Lighter in future services themselves.
Our youth have several summer opportunities on a rotating schedule including:
Youth grades 8 and up meet throughout the RE year for fun, community building adventures! From mini golf to decorating holiday cookies - youth will make friendships that will last a lifetime.
There’s a new (younger) youth group in town! Our mascots Flicka, Sparky and Uni have lots of plans for elementary-age families to connect, grow and have fun each month! A calendar is posted on the bulletin boards at UUCM, and watch for our mascots’ updates in the Friday Update!
Everyone is welcome for an all ages game night on the first Friday of every month from 6–8 p.m. We’ll have all kinds of card games, board games and word games. Bring your favorite, or we will have several available for you to join in on. Friends are always welcome as well! If weather allows, a bonfire will be roaring with s’mores material at the ready. Drinks and treats to share are always welcomed!
The stage will be set in December with a UU chalice, a Jewish Menorah, a Pagan Yule Log, and a Christian Christmas tree - and the children and youth will steal the show from there! You won’t want to miss this interactive, fun, and music-filled service for all ages!
Mystery Friends is our intergenerational pen-pal project. It takes place each year in late winter. Participants exchange messages, perhaps with drawings, stickers, or other decorations. Then, after 6 weeks of correspondence, the pairs meet in person at a reveal party! This is a way to foster connections throughout our congregation and is a tradition many look forward to each year!
Unitarian Universalist Family Initiative (UUFI) is a series of workshops designed to generate shared principles and common practices for raising our children religiously in the Unitarian Universalist tradition. Our core workshops include a Mealtime Ritual, Bedtime Ritual, Saying Goodbye Ritual, and New Beginnings. The goal is to create a strong, supportive community of families raising our children in this congregation. Two to three workshops are held each year.