UUCM Social Justice Ministry
The Social Justice Ministry’s current work focuses on Housing, Climate and Racial Justice. We recognize the intersectionality between racial, climate and housing inequities. As UU faith community we also support and value other important issues including LGBTQ+ rights and our Welcoming Congregation commitment, Universal Health Care for all, Guest at Your Table and the Side with Love campaign. The facilitator for the social justice ministry is Mike Elliott. Contact Mike at mikeelliott05@msn.com.
The Social Justice Ministry seeks to provide opportunities to the congregation to participate in volunteer, educational, stewardship and advocacy activities. Learn more about current social justice initiatives on UUCM Happenings. We welcome your participation in our Social Justice Ministry.
Black Lives Matter: At a Special Meeting of the Members of UUCM on Sunday February 28, 2021, a public statement – to be accompanied by a “Black Lives Matter” banner on the exterior of the church – was approved by a vote of 87 – 0. Learn more here.
Anti-Racism and the 8th Principle Project: Many Unitarian Universalists would like to see stronger language about anti-racism written into our UU Principles. At our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday May 22, 2022, a public statement was approved to affirm our commitment to dismantle white supremacy within our UU institutions, to endorse the efforts of the 8th Principle Project, and to stay engaged in the multi-year process to revise Article II of the UUA By-Laws. Learn more here.
Climate Justice: The Climate Justice group is working to reduce our personal and collective environmental footprint, moving toward a more just and sustainable world. To these ends we are fostering practical solutions that individuals can take to:
1. Conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions.
2. Address the causes of climate change and advocate for policy and structures that will ensure a livable future for all.
3. Bring balance and health to relationships with ourselves, each other and the natural world.
Contact Jackie Smolen at jackiesmo@aol.com for more information and a link to the monthly Climate Justice meeting.
Housing Justice: The Housing and Homelessness group is working toward a time when all people have a place to call home. We recognize the impact of racism in the growing housing crisis. Along with Beacon Interfaith Collaborative, Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners (IOCP) and others, we are dedicated to ending homelessness and housing insecurity, through affordable housing and rental subsidies. Contact Sue Fust at drlanasue@yahoo.com for more information and to receive a link to the monthly Housing Justice meeting.
Racial Justice: The Racial Justice group at UUCM works to raise awareness about and combat racism in its many forms. As Unitarian Universalists, it is important to act on our Principles, such as (1) the inherent worth and dignity of every person and (2) justice, equity and compassion in human relations. We work to end racial discrimination and injustice, starting within ourselves and moving out into the world around us. At UUCM we are dedicated to working with community partners, such as the Mapping Prejudice project, to advance racial justice. Contact Kate Flom at kflom209@gmail.com for more information and to receive a link to the monthly Racial Justice meeting.
Every Sunday, UUCM donates the entire open offering to a social justice cause, with different organizations chosen each month. Since we began this practice in 2010, UUCM has raised and dispersed over $120,000 to more than 60 different organizations. The recipient of grants from this fund are chosen by the Social Justice Ministry and our Minister, with input from the congregation.
How to Donate: You can donate online using PayPal or a credit card at bit.ly/giveuucm. You may also mail a contribution to UUCM at 2030 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata MN 55391. Simply make your check out to "UUCM" with "Social Generosity" in the memo line.
If you would like to submit a suggestion, please fill out this online form. The congregation's current focus is on issues related to housing and homelessness, so related nominations will take precedence.
Recent and Upcoming Donations:
MAY 2023: Sojourner Project $2,892
APRIL 2023: Minnesota Environmental Justice Table $2,362
MARCH 2023: IOCP $2,381
FEBRUARY 2023: OutFront MN $1,562
JANUARY 2023: BLUU Northside Housing Cooperative Initiative $4,186
DECEMBER 2022: Guest At Your Table $1547.00
NOVEMBER 2022: IOCP Sleep Out Campaign $3,104
OCTOBER 2022: Ain Dah Yung Center $2,217
SEPTEMBER 2022: PNHP Minnesota $2,841
JULY/AUGUST 2022: Avenues for Youth $2,969
JUNE 2022: Sojourner Project $1,818.69
MAY 2022: Appalachia Service Project Youth Trip $4,233.69
APRIL 2022: Line 3 Legal Defense Fund $3,022.69
MARCH 2022: MN Food Share and IOCP’s Prevent Hunger Campaign $2,074.69
FEBRUARY 2022: Black Men Teach Twin Cities $2,097.53
JANUARY 2022: Sanctuary Supply Depot $2,775.00
DECEMBER 2021: Guest at Your Table, UUSC $2,128.10
NOVEMBER 2021: IOCP Sleep Out Campaign $2,644.69
OCTOBER 2021: Ain Dah Yung Center $2,183.69
SEPTEMBER 2021: BLUU's Northside Housing Cooperative Initiative
(Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism) $2,200.69
JULY/AUGUST 2021: Avenues for Youth $1,911.38
JUNE 2021: PNHP Minnesota $1,865
MAY 2021: Sojourner Project $1,975
APRIL 2021: Dream of Wild Health $1,890
MARCH 2021: MN Food Share & IOCP’s Prevent Hunger Campaign $2,815
FEBRUARY 2021: Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative $1,410
JANUARY 2021: Mapping Prejudice $1,436
Here is a slideshow that highlights stories and messages of thanks from past offering recipients, and displays the power of generosity as we share our resources with others.
(For a full listing of previous recipients please contact the office)
Our annual Stewardship Campaign, “Warmth of Community, Fire of Commitment”, recognizes how community fosters a sense of welcoming and belonging, creates a space for spiritual growth, and generates the energy for shared action in the wider world. During this campaign, we ask members and friends to make a financial pledge in support of the continued growth of our UUCM community and its ministry. You can find more information in this Stewardship Information Packet and you can donate online at bit.ly/uucmpledge.
For more than 55 years, UUCM has relied on the generosity of our members and our friends to finance the church and fund our mission. Thank you for considering a gift to UUCM. Your gift will directly support the mission, ministries, and programs of the church. To learn more about making charitable financial contributions, please download our UUCM Giving Guide. If you would like to make an online donation with a credit card, please visit our online donation page and follow the instructions to donate to our Operating Fund or Building Fund. Checks may be mailed to UUCM, 2030 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN 55391. For other methods of giving, including pledges, automatic withdrawals, and stock transfers, please consult the UUCM Giving Guide. Again, thank you for your investment in the future of UUCM.
Building Fund
UUCM established a Building Fund in 2007 for money used to fund construction of our new building at 2030 Blvd East. So far, we have raised over $2.9 million. While the project was completed in 2017, we still need donations as we pay off our loans, and do a variety of follow-up projects.
Youth Fund
Special fundraisers are held throughout the year to support some other specific causes within the church. The largest such fund is the Youth Fund, which supports special programming for Children and Youth, including the annual youth leadership school and youth trips (e.g. Heritage trip to Boston, General Assembly, service trips). Each week loose change in the offering basket goes to youth fund activities.
Endowment Fund
UUCM has established an endowment fund to accept legacy gifts and provide a strong financial foundation for the future of the church. Consider making provisions for a legacy gift to the endowment fund in your will.
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